Based on the TV Show "Bones"

Chapter Two: Laid Bare

"What makes life worth living is knowing that one day you'll wake up and find the person that makes you happier than anything in the world. So don't ever lose hope and give up, everything turns out okay and the good guy always wins." - Anonymous

The first of the sun's rays crept their way in between cream-colored blinds, their light illuminating the room with a pale yellow glow. Beneath these warm rays a woman began to stir, her body twisting as she awoke from her slumber. The thin white sheet that had rested lightly on her body falling away, allowing the cool air that circulated the room to run across her skin. Her body shivered slightly before she finally opened her eyes and lifted her head from the pillow. It took a moment for her bright blue eyes to fully adjust to her surroundings before they finally settled on her sleeping partner.

As always, she was the first to awaken, just as she was always the first to fall asleep. It was just how was and it was something that she was grateful for. He was a surprisingly deep sleeper considering that he spent his time in the Rangers as a sniper, a position that required a soldier to be constantly aware of their surroundings and any changes that occurred. Part of her wondered whether his exhaustion was mainly the result of their late night activities. She for one couldn't help but fall into a deep sleep once they had fully satisfied one another.

Pulling away from her silent musings, with a smile on her face, her eyes eagerly began their morning exploration of his body. It was undoubtedly her favorite past time and what always had her up at such early hours of the morning. While fast asleep, Andy was unquestionably vulnerable and exposed. His features were completely at ease making him look years younger than he actually was and his full lips were parted ever so slightly, allowing for the steady flow of carbon dioxide to pass as he exhaled.

Her eyes ran over his strong chiseled jaw before moving towards his well developed chest, which steadily rose and fell as his diaphragm contracted and relaxed. She continued her journey downward stopping only once her eyes met the white sheet that obscured the rest of him. She frowned deeply at the obstacle this presented, her eyebrows knitted together as her eyes narrowed.

That would simply not do. Kathy thought to herself, as she edged her body closer to his.

Ever so slowly she moved her right hand greedily towards top of the sheet, which rested just above his hips. Just as she was about to hit her mark, a hand reached out and grabbed her wrist, effectively halting her movement. A gasp of surprise fell from her lips as her eyes snapped up to his.

Andy couldn't help the smirk that formed on his lips, his eyes dancing with amusement as he took in her surprise. The expression "hand caught in the cookie jar" immediately came to mind.

Kathy quickly opened her mouth to say something, but before she could get a word in he had flipped them over and had trapped her hands above her head. Her blue eyes widened slightly as she noticed the predatory gleam in his now coal colored eyes, the weight of his body pressing them deeper into the mattress.

Without warning, the usually alert and focused eyes that belonged to a one Doctor Temperance Brennan snapped open. Her mind racing as she quickly assessed the situation. The first thing that she became aware of was that she was not alone, someone was most definitely lying next to her. The next discovery that she made was that she was in fact naked and that her clothes were no where to be found. Quickly turning her head in the direction of her bed mate, it didn't take her long to realize what had torn her from her slumber.

Simon's rather sweaty hand was roughly squeezing her right breast, his muddy brown eyes fixated on her exposed body as he subconsciously licked his lips.

Pulling her body away from him in disgust, Temperance quickly climbed out of bed and grabbed the bed sheets, covering herself with them. The look of disappointment that appeared on his face did not go unnoticed, but she couldn't bring herself to care. Right now she simply felt sick, her instinct to run fast and far pulling her away from the room and into the bathroom in a matter of seconds.

Once securely in the confines of her bathroom, Brennan allowed herself to take a moment to breathe. Her mind still racing as memories of what had transpired the night before hit her. She suddenly felt dirty. His hands had been on her, they had touched her skin, caressed her, and she had allowed him too. Knowing full well that she was simply using him for the release she had been craving for weeks.

"Tempe? Babe, are you alright?"

His words vaguely registered, barely breaking through the fog that had clouded her mind. She was confused, it wasn't like she hadn't taken someone home with the intention of having sex with them before. Yet for some reason being torn from her sleep, in the manner that she had been, had served as a rude awakening in more than one way. It had served to bring to light what she already knew, she didn't want Simon to be the one lying next to her when she woke up. She didn't want to wake up to the sensation of him running his hands over his exposed body, retracing the patterns he had made the previous night.

Rather, she found herself fantasying what it would be like to wake up every morning and go to sleep every night with the same person for the next 30, 40, and possibly even 50 years in the future. Ever since the abandonment of both her parents and her brother, along with the frequent changes in foster parents, Temperance had craved some form of a constant. She had long since made science her constant, always able to rely on cold hard facts and the evidence knowing that they were indisputable and no matter what anyone said or what happened, they couldn't or wouldn't change.

Six years ago she found herself with a new constant, this time in the shape and form of her partner, Special Agent Seeley Booth. He had some how forced his way into her life, despite her numerous protests, and it hadn't taken long before she had grown accustom to his constant presence. Perhaps that was why she now found herself reverting back to her old ways. Going from one lover to the next without a single thought, focusing on the science and ignoring emotions and people, observing and analyzing life rather than living it.

Somehow he had changed her and even now, without his constant presence in her life, he was still there, in a manner of speaking. He was there when she went to a bar to find someone to satisfy her biological urges, he was the voice in her head that said "you can do better than this loser, Bones." He was there when the agent she was currently working with told her they had a new case, when she went to the diner and saw an assortment of pie on display, he was everywhere because in changing her he had forever imprinted himself upon her.

No matter how much distance he may try to put between them she knew, deep down, that they would never truly escape one another. For she too had also marked him with her logic and reason, with her determination to find out the truth no matter how much it may hurt. From her he had learned about entropy and evolution, but from him he had shown her how human interaction helped to bring about those changes, how they act as the natural force which tears every thing apart.

Their current situation was evidence enough of that.

"Hey Tempe, listen, I'm not sure what's going on with you but I have an early meeting at work and I can't be late. So I guess I'll go home and shower, I'll call you later." Simon called out to her from the other side of the bathroom door, as he moved swiftly around the room collecting his discarded clothes.

Once again she found herself ignoring him as she instead made her way over to the sink and turned on the taps. As she waited a few moments for the water to heat up, she forcefully buried her fingers deep within her messy auburn hair.

The distinct sound of her front door closing snapped her back to reality. Quickly removing her fingers from her hair she begun splashing water on her face, hoping that it would help put an end to her internal struggle. Unfortunately for her, with her face now clean she was very much aware of how sticky the rest of her skin felt and she suddenly found herself with the need to get rid of all traces of Simon and their intimate encounter.

Without wasting another moment Temperance spun around and walked directly into her custom made, marble shower. She relished in the sensation of the ice cold water running down her skin, as it metaphorically washed away all evidence of the last 24 hours, leaving her with nothing more than a mere memory of her biological urges being satisfied.

Simon was merely another knock on her bedpost, so to speak, there had been many before him and she knew there would be many after him. That's just how it was and for once, Temperance couldn't help the momentary wave of sadness that overcame her. However, that moment was fleeting as her defense mechanism kicked in and she couldn't feel a thing.

Author's Note: Please take a moment to review, it really means a lot to me even if it's just a word or two. Also, I'd like to mention that this story is not just a collection of random moments between Kathy and Andy which are then compared to Brennan's current life. There is an underlying story and these moments serve to help you understand what's happening while at the same time showing you what she really wants to happen.

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