
“Oh my god...”

The moaned exclamation came from Alex, who stumbled directly into Jack’s arms as they landed. He caught her and held her in a surprisingly chaste grip as she recovered her equilibrium.

“Easy,” he murmured. “I told you, it twists your head around a little.”

“A little?” she groaned, reaching up to rub gingerly at her head. “Thank God we didn’t eat anything! I would definitely be throwing up right now.”

Jack looked bemused as she stepped away from him slightly unsteadily.

“Okay, then. Bobby?”

“Fine, I think,” Bobby muttered ruefully. He stood there stiffly for a long moment before a violent shudder rippled through him and he jerked his head sharply to the side, eliciting a cringe-worthy crack.

“Nice, Bobby,” Alex muttered, to which he simply responded with a half smile and a shrug. After confirming that his two newest recruits were all right, Jack finally succumbed to a deep-set need and turned to Ianto.

“You okay, there?”

If anything, Ianto appeared bemused by the whole experience.

“Nothing that some specialist care can’t fix,” he remarked. Jack’s face lit up as he easily caught the less than subtle innuendo in the statement. He sauntered up close to the younger man, momentarily forgetting that they weren’t alone.

“Oh, really? So, if I did this...”

He slipped a hand around behind Ianto’s neck, fingers lightly kneading the tender flesh at the base of Ianto’s skull, and leaned in to kiss him softly.


If either Jack or Ianto were startled, neither man let it show. Instead, Jack finished the kiss before drawing back a little, and grinning at the newcomer. Noticeably, he left his hand lingering at the back of Ianto’s neck, his fingers affectionately teasing the young man’s hair.

“Owen. Where are the girls?”

“Tosh and Gwen are currently out checking a rift alert in Splott,” Owen stated flatly. “And if you’re done molesting the tea boy, I would really appreciate a decent cup of coffee that hasn’t come from Starbucks, or Gwen’s instant coffee machine.”

Ianto blanched, jerking away from Jack’s touch.

“Her what?”

“You heard me,” Owen grumbled. “Stupid woman thought it’d be a good way to... tide us over until you got home. Tosh and I have been taking it in turns to sneak out to Starbucks at least three times a day. We’re almost ready to buy a share in the place.” He paused, his gaze going to Bobby and Alex, who had thoroughly recovered from the shock of the teleportation, and were watching the scene before them with highly amused interest. “Oh, and welcome to the house of insanity, by the way. I hope that Harkness has given you fair warning about what you’re in for.”

“I think we have a reasonable idea,” Alex said, with perhaps a touch more bravado than she was really feeling. Owen’s lips twisted into a wry grin.

“You don’t have a clue what you’re walking into. Jack, you’re a bastard. You know that, don’t you?”

Jack stepped across and slung an arm around Owen’s neck in what initially might have been taken for a friendly gesture. The way Owen winced as said arm tightened fractionally around his neck strongly suggested otherwise.

“Don’t scare the newbies on their first day, Dr Harper. Or you might just find yourself cleaning out Janet’s lodgings for the next six months.”

Owen muttered something under his breath that none of them clearly understood, and most likely didn’t want to understand, before turning and sloping back to the autopsy bay. Jack watched him go with obvious affection before turning back to the others, his megawatt grin back in place and as strong as ever.

“Okay. First thing’s first. We’ll get you checked into your rooms...”

“Isn’t it a bit early for that?” Bobby wondered. Ianto coughed conspicuously.

“Yes, well, when he says rooms, he actually means the bay-side, two bedroom apartment on the other side of the Plass that he had me rent for you. Sometimes, it’s necessary to...”

“Read between the lines?” Alex suggested lightly, and Ianto couldn’t help but smile.


“As I said,” Jack went on, unperturbed by the interruption, “we’ll get you checked in to your rooms, and then we’ll go for that breakfast.”

“It’s one o’clock, you git!” Owen bellowed from the sanctity of the autopsy bay. Jack cheerfully ignored him.

“There’s a great little cafe that serves all day breakfast. We can eat, and then you can get the grand tour, and meet Janet and Myfanwy.”

“Myfanwy...” Alex said with a slight frown. “As in, the resident pterodactyl?”

Bobby’s eyebrows shot up almost to his hairline.

“Pterodactyl? A real pterodactyl? Here?”

Jack nodded.

“That’s right. She’s probably asleep at the moment. Best time to meet her will be later this afternoon. I’ll introduce you to Janet first. She’s a little harder to deal with.”

“I’ll say,” Owen piped up again. “She damn near took my arm off when I brought her food to her yesterday. Ungrateful...”

“Owen, don’t you have something dead to cut up?” Jack demanded.

“Tell Ianto to bring me a decent cup of coffee, and I’ll happily shut up.”

Jack shook his head, and looked pleadingly at Ianto.

“Would you mind?”

Ianto smiled wryly.

“I’ll meet you upstairs in the tourist office.”

“Thankyou,” Jack murmured, treating himself to another kiss before waving Bobby and Alex towards the cog door of the Hub.

“It doesn’t create any problems?” Alex asked as they followed Jack into the corridor beyond the door. “You and Ianto being in a relationship, I mean.”

Jack hesitated at that.

“Depends what you mean by problems.”

“Well, aside from Owen mouthing off at you...” Alex ventured. “It doesn’t cause any jealousy?”

Jack seemed to relax slightly, much to Bobby’s interest.

“The others know I don’t favour him in the field, but here in the office is a different matter, entirely. As for jealousy... I think Tosh thinks we’re cute... Well, that kind of stands to reason, doesn’t it? We do make one hot couple.”

Behind him, Bobby glanced amusedly at Alex, who rolled her eyes and smiled. Jack went on, seemingly oblivious to the unspoken communications taking place behind him.

“Owen keeps accusing me of molesting Ianto, and keeping him from his true calling.”

“Which would be...?” Bobby asked.

“Keeping him supplied with a continuous stream of coffee,” Jack answered. “And Gwen... I think Gwen might have been jealous of Ianto at one point. She seemed to think there was something between her and me, when there really wasn’t. I mean, I love her. I love all of them. But Ianto...”

“He’s something special,” Alex concluded gently for him. Jack paused just by the lift, and turned to look back at them. There was a smile on his face that was vastly different to the huge megawatt grins he’d been displaying all morning. It was a small smile of genuine satisfaction, fuelled by a very real love.

“Yes. He’s something special. You got it in one, Alex. He’s my saving grace.”

“I can relate to that,” Bobby murmured, favouring Alex with an equally affectionate look.

Jack led them into the lift, and from there into the tourist office.

“This is your front?” Bobby asked, eyeing their surroundings with curiosity. Jack nodded.

“It was literally just a facade until Ianto came along. He’s the one who turned it into a genuine tourist office. Although, since he qualified as a field operative, we’ve had to keep it closed more often than not. But even just having it open a couple of hours a day keeps people from asking awkward questions.”

“It also helps that we no longer have anyone ordering takeaway under the name of Torchwood,” Ianto stated as he emerged into the office through the beaded curtain.”

“Where did you come from?” Alex asked, startled.

“Stairs,” Ianto explained as he buttoned up his coat. “Believe me, the lift is the preferable option.”

Jack chuckled, and threw his arms out wide to encompass the shoulders of all three of his employees.

“C’mon, kids. Let’s go get you two settled, and then we’ll go for breakfast.”

“Uh... You know, we usually don’t have much more than a bagel for breakfast?” Alex asked an hour later, watching doubtfully as a plate was deposited in front of each of them, weighted down with a full English breakfast. Jack had insisted on ordering for them, something he had done out of earshot at the counter, and now Alex and Bobby knew why. Jack nodded as he enthusiastically dug into his own food.

“So you said. We have a motto in Torchwood...”

“We have several, actually,” Ianto put in as he carefully separated the spinach on his plate from the scrambled eggs. Jack pulled a face in Ianto’s direction before continuing on with what he’d started saying.

“Take it while you can get it. Meals aren’t always regular, so eat up. We could have a major rift eruption, and pfft! End of the world is nigh, and lunch is history. So eat up, people. Enjoy it while you can, because believe me. This kind of peace and quiet never lasts long.”

Bobby shrugged and began to eat. Alex hesitated a moment, watching Jack with a smirk. Slowly, he began to realise he was being watched, and the Captain looked up at her quizzically.

“What? Have I got food somewhere embarrassing?”

“I was just thinking...” Alex said, a wicked glint in her eyes. “That motto, take it while you can get it. I was just thinking, I bet you don’t just apply that to food, do you?”

Bobby choked on a piece of sausage, while Ianto went beet red at the blatant innuendo. Jack just threw his head back and roared with laughter.

“You’re good, Alex,” Jack said as he wiped his eyes. “Oh, baby, you’re good.”

Alex looked sideways at Bobby, who was still coughing.

“You all right, Bobby?”

“Fine,” he rasped. “Just... a little warning, next time?”

She grinned, and returned her attention to her meal, thoroughly satisfied with herself.

“You had a vegetarian breakfast,” Bobby remarked to Ianto half an hour later as they walked away from the cafe, back in the direction of the Hub. Ianto stared ahead, his expression carefully neutral.

“I believe you’re correct in that observation, Detective.”

Bobby blinked, taken momentarily aback by the coolness of Ianto’s tone. He sensed he’d just put his foot in it, proverbially speaking, but couldn’t for the life of him understand why his words might have caused such a reaction.

“I’m sorry,” he murmured with quiet sincerity. “I didn’t mean to say anything to offend you.”

Ianto drew in a long breath, and glanced askance at Bobby. The look on his face was regretful, but also cautious.

“You didn’t, Bobby. Sorry. It’s just a sensitive issue. Last year, we went to the countryside to investigate disappearances that we thought might have been related to the rift.”

“It goes out that far?” Bobby asked in surprise. Ianto laughed softly, and shook his head.

“No, thankfully. Didn’t know that until after the fact, though. But we did find out why people had been disappearing from the area. The villagers were cannibals. They were killing everyone that crossed their path, and using them for... you know.”

“Got it,” Bobby muttered, appalled by the revelation. “I’m sorry, Ianto.”

“It’s all right,” Ianto assured him. He was quietly surprised at just how true that actually was; as though Bobby’s unpretentious reaction and lack of insistence for further details had unlocked his tongue. “Tosh and I were captured first... Gwen and Owen a while after us... If it hadn’t been for Jack, none of us would be here now.”

Bobby looked away from Ianto, to where Jack was walking ahead with Alex. He was telling her something that had her grinning and shaking her head. He was more than a little surprised at the wicked streak that was appearing in his diminutive partner, while at the same time suspecting that he shouldn’t be surprised at all. She, more so than anyone else, had always gone along easily with his schemes and plans, no matter how audacious or potentially offensive. It stood to reason that, in the presence of a boss who was literally a one-man innuendo squad, Alex would finally let her hair down and really let the snark fly.

He smiled, despite himself. God help Cardiff.

“He saved all of you?”

“In his standard dramatic fashion,” Ianto said with a wry smile. “He crashed through the wall of the building we were being held in riding a bloody tractor, of all things.”

Bobby lightly bit down on the inside of his cheek, trying his best to see that in a serious context, and failing miserably. Ianto caught the look on his face, and laughed softly.

“I know. It took some time, but we all laugh about it now. At the time, though, seeing him come through that wall, guns literally blazing, was the biggest relief I’d felt for a long time... and trust me when I say that at that point in time, I really wasn’t on the best of terms with Jack. He busted through that wall, and he had a shotgun and his Webley, and he never missed a single shot. It was terrifying and beautiful at the same time. In all honesty, I didn’t know who to be more frightened of; him, or those bloody cannibals.”

“But he was there to save you,” Bobby pressed. He thought he could understand what Ianto was saying, but at the same time he found it difficult to comprehend that Ianto could ever have been frightened of Jack. Ianto smiled faintly at one of the few good memories that he had of that horrifying time.

“Yes, he was. I remember, after he’d shut the villagers down, he came over to me, and he just held me. I was crying like a bloody baby... Although, in my defence, I’d just had a meat cleaver held to my throat. He held me until I’d stopped crying, and then he walked me out of that place, and afterwards, when we got back home, he stayed with me that whole night. He had no obligation to look after me, but he did anyway, and I loved him so much for that.”

“He has a huge heart,” Bobby whispered, and Ianto nodded.

“Yes. He does. It’s just a shame that the one person whose opinion really matters to him can’t see that.”

It took Bobby a moment to comprehend the meaning behind Ianto’s words, and to understand just who he was talking about.

“You’re talking about the Doctor, aren’t you?”

Ianto gave a slight nod, and lowered his voice even more, anxious to avoid having Jack overhear this part of their conversation, in particular.

“Yes, I am. He’s responsible for everything that Jack has become, and yet he still dares to treat him like an irresponsible child.”

Bobby frowned slightly, not quite able to equate that assessment with what he’d seen during his short time in the TARDIS.

“You were unconscious...” he said abruptly. Ianto raised an eyebrow questioningly.

“What do you mean?”

“After the Grysliaak was absorbed into the TARDIS, and we were moved to the medical bay. You were unconscious, and you didn’t see how the Doctor reacted to the possibility that Jack might have been dead permanently.”

“And how did he react?” Ianto asked, not quite able to keep his tone even.

“He panicked,” Bobby said simply. “He looked as frightened as you did when we stumbled in on the Grysliaak attacking Jack in your hotel room.”

Ianto fell quiet at that revelation. He considered for a long moment before speaking tersely.

“Maybe he did, but it doesn’t change the fact that he’s never made any effort to tell Jack to his face how important he is, and how well he’s done. You should know how important it is to get verbal affirmation, Bobby. The Doctor hasn’t done that, and it hurts Jack more than he’ll ever willingly admit.”

Bobby regarded Ianto curiously, surprised by the vehemence in his words.

“You really don’t like him very much at all, do you?”

Discomfort coloured Ianto’s features, and he shoved his hands deep into the pockets of his coat. He had to keep reminding himself just how observant Bobby actually was… Although, he wasn’t exactly making an effort to keep his feelings towards the Time Lord hidden, either.

“I just don’t like what he’s done to Jack,” Ianto said tersely. “You know that Jack waited for more than a century to find him again after being abandoned? And when he did finally find him, the Doctor called him wrong!” The younger man shook his head in visible aggravation. “First that, and then he suffered a year of being labelled a freak of nature. The first night after Jack came home to us, I took him home to mine, because we couldn’t go back to the Hub.”

Bobby raised an eyebrow questioningly, and Ianto shook his head wearily. He really did not have the energy or the inclination to tell that story to his new colleague.

“Long story, and not a very pleasant one. Basically, though, that was the first time I was witness to the nightmares that Jack has. I mean, he’d always had nightmares, when he did sleep, but after he came back they were ten times worse, and the Doctor is at least partially responsible for that. What’s worse is that he damn well knew how badly damaged Jack was, but he still stayed away from him. I don’t know how he ended up being called the Doctor, but I don’t believe he deserves to be called that. A doctor heals people. All he’s ever done for Jack is to leave him broken. There are times when I wonder whether he really cares about Jack at all.”

Bobby couldn’t hold his tongue any longer upon hearing that last comment.

“That’s not entirely true, Ianto. From what Jack has said, the Doctor is primarily responsible for him being the hero that he is today. And if it hadn’t been for the Doctor, you and Jack would never have met each other.”

“I know,” Ianto muttered. “I hate him, but I’m grateful to him at the same time.”

“Not to mention, he saved our sorry asses from the Grysliaak.”

Ianto’s jaw clenched slightly. Yes, he was painfully aware of that truth, as well. Then, on top of all that, he’d had a chance to speak privately to both Martha and Donna in the TARDIS, and they’d both told him the same thing – that the Doctor had literally abandoned everything else and come running the moment that he learnt of the trouble Jack was in.

“I concede that he may have some redeeming qualities,” Ianto admitted with extreme reluctance, and Bobby clapped him lightly on the shoulder in encouragement.


Both men looked up in surprise to find Jack and Alex were well ahead of them, and waiting near the tower. Jack’s expression was a mixture of annoyance and amusement, and Ianto knew he would be in for quite the interrogation later on from his Captain. A glance at Bobby told him that the older man was expecting much the same from his feisty partner.

They crossed the remaining distance to where Jack and Alex waited for them, Jack tapping his foot impatiently against the stone pavement.

“When you’re ready?” he asked, his voice heavily laced with sarcasm. “I mean, I wouldn’t want to rush you. It’s not like we have work to do, or anything…”

His complaint was silenced abruptly when Ianto leaned in and pressed a firm but chaste kiss to his lips.

“Shut up, Jack,” Ianto told him lightly. “You’re making a scene. It’s unattractive.”

Huffing a little, but at the same time unable to conceal a grin, Jack stepped up onto the pavement and motioned for the others to do the same.

“Hope heights aren’t a bother for either of you,” Jack remarked in an entirely too casual tone. Alex, for her part, snorted derisively.

“Not at all. Why?”

Jack grinned again, any and all irritation gone in the blink of an eye. It was disconcerting, Bobby and Alex both mused, just how quickly Jack’s moods could shift.

“This is why.”

To the credit of both Bobby and Alex, neither one so much as squeaked as the stone slab began its descent into the Hub. Bobby wavered minutely, and Jack caught him by the elbow to steady him.

“Easy there. Don’t need you falling off on me,” Jack said with a light chuckle. Bobby shook his head, but before he had a chance to respond, a shriek filled the air and a large, dark shadow passed over their heads.

“Pterodactyl?” Bobby queried, dry mouthed with shock. Ianto grinned, and nodded.

“Myfanwy, we call her. Jack and I caught her together.”

“And it was that little escapade that convinced me to hire him,” Jack added. He smiled with deep affection at Ianto. “Best decision I ever made.”

The lift slid to a stop on the floor of the Hub, and they stepped off; the only hint of discomfort was in the speed with which Bobby left the paving stone.

“Not fond of heights, Bobby?” Jack queried.

“Something like that,” he admitted. “I’m not particularly afraid of them, but I can take them or leave them.”

“You’d prefer to leave them,” Ianto concluded, and Bobby nodded uncomfortably.


He turned, and halted to find Alex staring at him piercingly.


“That day up on the high rise construction,” she said quietly, a familiar frown on her face. “Ken Harris.”

Bobby shifted uneasily from one foot to the other. It was painfully obvious that whatever was about to be said, Bobby didn’t want to go there.

“What... What about him?”

If anything, Alex's expression hardened even further, and Bobby took an instinctive step back. Alex opened her mouth to say something, only to freeze as she realised that both Jack and Ianto were watching her with intense interest. She took a long breath, and let the tension bleed out of her. Now was not the time or the place to begin an argument about a case that was long since past.

“Later,” she said in a far more subdued tone. “We'll talk about it later.”

She turned to step away, and was startled to find Jack standing in her path. Prepared for a confrontation of some description, Alex looked up at him fiercely, only to have that fierceness dissipate when he smiled.

“C'mon. We'll introduce you to Janet.”

In retrospect, Jack could honestly say that while he expected Bobby's reaction to their resident weevil, he was genuinely surprised by Alex.

It wasn't their first exposure to a weevil. Bobby and Alex had had the misfortune to stumble into the path of one whilst in New York when they had, against all good advice, followed Jack and his team into Central Park. Bobby had been injured and Ianto had nearly been killed. That incident alone had very nearly seen Jack disregard Bobby as a potential future employee. Had it not been for the events that followed with the Grysliaak, Jack knew full well that he would have quite cheerfully ret-conned Bobby and his NYPD colleagues, and left them wondering just what the hell had happened over that entire week.

That was in the past, though, and Jack had frequently found it to his detriment to dwell on the past. Now, Jack stood back a little and watched with interest as his two newest recruits came face to face again with the species that had more or less given them their baptism of fire into the world of aliens.

Bobby approached the glass first, peering through at Janet with a studied interest that was oh so similar to Owen when he'd seen his first weevil. It was the gaze of a scientist, Jack mused. Janet, for her part, seemed equally curious, and had sidled up to the glass for a closer inspection of the one currently observing her.

“She doesn't seem vicious,” Bobby murmured, tilting his head to the side at a curious angle as he took in everything he could about the creature in front of him.

“She's gotten used to humans,” Jack answered. “Make no mistake, though. Given the chance, she'd tear you to shreds. Owen found that out the hard way.”

“Owen?” Alex queried.

“Another long and somewhat painful story,” Ianto said quietly. His tone didn't quite mask the warning against pursuing the subject – a warning that was directed not just at Bobby and Alex, but also at Jack. The Captain nodded in wordless consent. Again, it was a past that was better off left alone.

Alex finally moved, venturing towards the glass partition as Bobby stepped away. Janet hissed softly, but made no greater noise than that, and for the longest while, Alex and the weevil simply stood there on opposite sides, staring intently at each other. Minutes ticked by, and Janet startled both Jack and Ianto when she uttered a soft whining sound and drew back from the glass.

“Alex?” Jack asked quietly.

“I'm fine.”

The response was sharp and short, and sounded slightly strangled. Glancing at Jack and Ianto in mild concern, Bobby stepped in and laid a hand lightly on her shoulder, turning her carefully around. Her eyes were red, and her cheeks stained with tear streaks as evidence of her distress.

“Hey,” Bobby murmured, taking her into his embrace and hugging her warmly. “What's wrong?”

“This is,” Alex said shakily. “Keeping her locked up like this. It isn't right.”

“We don't have a choice, Alex,” Jack replied firmly, though not unkindly. “Once a weevil goes rogue and attacks humans, it doesn't stop. It can't. The only way is to either lock them up here in the Hub, or kill them, and I don't especially want to have to kill something that really has no control over its own actions.”

“I know,” she whispered. “It's just... Can't you hear her?”

Jack glanced at Ianto before stepping towards Alex.

“Hear what?”

“Her crying,” Alex whispered breathlessly. “I can hear it... No, that's not right. I.. I can feel it. Jack, what the hell is going on?”

He reached over and stroked her hair tenderly.

“You're having an empathic reaction to the weevils, and to their captivity. I've seen it before, but never this strong. You really are something special, Alex Eames.”

“Can we go back upstairs, please?” Bobby asked, with a hint of desperation in his tone of voice. “Seriously, Jack, before this gets to be too much for her.”

“Sure,” Jack conceded, and motioned them towards the doorway. “We'll go back up, and start showing you all the different equipment. Then later, Tosh can show you the computer system properly, Alex, and Ianto can take you down into the archives, Bobby.”

“Sounds good,” Bobby agreed, deliberately steering Alex towards the stairs. Alex uttered a slightly strained laugh as they made their way back up the stairs.

“Oh yeah, I can see you in the archives, Bobby. Watch him, Ianto. He'll never want to come out again.”

“Funny,” Bobby retorted, though he silently felt relieved that Alex at least had the inclination to want to make a joke, however lame it might be.

They were nearly back up to the main level when a slightly shrill alarm resounded through the place.

“What's that?” Alex asked, frowning and rubbing at her ears in mild irritation.

“Rift alert,” Ianto answered as he and Jack broken into a run. The two New Yorkers followed quickly, neither one wanting to be left behind and potentially miss out on the forthcoming action.

They emerged into the main body of the Hub to find Toshiko already at her computer, tapping away furiously on the keyboard as she tried to determine the cause of the rift alert.

“What have we got, Tosh?” Jack asked, bounding over to her and leaning over her shoulder to peer at the monitor.

“Rift spike in Bute town,” she answered, a slight frown of concentration on her features. “Something's come through, Jack, but I can't tell whether it's living or an inanimate object.”

“Where are Owen and Gwen?”

“They headed out half an hour ago to deal with a weevil that went on a rampage in Tesco's,” Tosh told him. “Apparently security thought it was a teenager playing a prank, and sprayed it in the face with pepper spray.”

Jack winced.

“Ooh. Does he still have all his bodily functions?”

A tiny smile crept onto Tosh's face.

“Managed to get out of the way just in time, apparently. They evacuated the store and locked it down. The official story is that it's a rabid monkey that's escaped from a circus.”

Ianto snorted.

“People really will believe anything. The nearest circus is a hundred miles away.”

“Don't knock human gullibility,” Jack admonished him. “In this job, it can be our best friend.” Turning abruptly, Jack looked at Bobby and Alex, a gleam in his eyes. “So, ready for your first outing as Torchwood agents?”

Bobby and Alex exchanged amused glances, but neither one made any attempt to conceal the eagerness in their own expressions. Jack saw it, and laughed out loud.

“Brilliant. Ianto? Coming?”

“Of course,” Ianto responded dryly, as though it was merely stating the obvious. Jack rubbed his hands together gleefully, giving the very strong impression that he was little more than a big kid about to go on a big adventure. His enthusiasm was infectious, though, and Bobby and Alex found themselves grinning in response. Even Ianto managed to crack a small smile by that point.

“They took Owen’s car, so the SUV is still here,” Tosh added.

“Great,” Jack enthused. “We don’t have to walk. Let's go, people!”

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