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The fanfics found on this page are in order of most recently updated to oldest.  Readers have the option to leave a review on each page.  If you like what you read and you'd like to see updates, we recommend leaving a review on each page as they give inspiration and motivation to the writers!

Posted:      01/21/12         
Author:      KayleeThePete
Title:          What Chaos Brings (Chapters: Prologue, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9)
Rated:        PG
Genre:        Drama
Summary:  Let's see...witches, warlocks, demons, a Source hmm...sounds like Charmed so far... and...half souls? My own sort of weird story that I dreamed up, read and yea shall see. Disclaimer: I don't own Charmed, duh! 3-18 I UPDATED!

Posted:      01/16/12          COMPLETE
Author:      KayleeThePete
Title:          Another Chance (Chapters: 1)
Rated:        PG
Genre:        Drama
Summary:  Guess Who's back? Disclaimer: I quite obviously don't own Charmed.

Posted:      01/14/12         
Author:      KayleeThePete
Title:          Going the Path (Chapters: 1)
Rated:        PG-13
Genre:        Drama
Summary:  Sequal to Another Chance. How will the sisters react to what the Elders have done? Disclaimer: I would think that it is obvious that I don't own Charmed, but I shall humor those who say this has to be here.

Posted:      11/24/07          COMPLETE
Author:      Esbee
Title:          What Kind of Mother (Chapters: 1)
Rated:        PG
Genre:        Angst, Romance
Summary:  A one-shot told through the eyes of Piper as she thinks about a trip that showed them the future that awaits. It was a gift, it was a curse. It all really depends on how you look at things.

Posted:      11/15/07          COMPLETE
Author:      Esbee
Title:          The Line (Chapters: 1, 2)
Rated:        R
Genre:        Angst, Drama
Summary:  The Line between Good and Evil. It was supposed to be fine, supposed to be able to help you with your decisions. It was a lie made up by an innocent child.

Posted:      11/04/07          COMPLETE
Author:      Esbee
Title:          The Future of My Mistake (Chapters: 1)
Rated:        PG
Genre:        Angst, Tragedy
Summary:  Piper reflects on her youngest son in all his forms.