Based on the movie "Boondock Saints"

Sitting and waiting had never been one of Connor's strong suits.

Flipping off the television, he rubbed his face with his hands once more glancing at the clock on the wall. Anna had been gone four hours already and had yet to call or make any sort of contact at all. Standing up, Connor began pacing, trying to ward off the anxious energy building in his system. Again, he found himself wishing for a pack of smokes or possibly a gun to clean. Even the hard wood of his rosary to recite his prayers would have been welcome. Anything to keep his hands busy as he waited. Glancing up at the clock again, he saw the minute hand had moved down one more notch.

Turning around, he walked towards the kitchenette. Despite Anna's claims to the contrary, he had been growing steadily stronger the last couple of days. Especially now he almost felt like his old self. Only incomplete,echoed the voice in his head darkly. It was true. Even as he worried about Anna's safety, a larger part of his soul harbored fear for his brother. In a sense beyond reason or simple deduction, he knew his brother was in pain. In dreams, his brother's suffering was almost tangible while awake he could almost feel him slipping somewhere beyond his reach. In the past few days, as Connor felt himself grow physically stronger his awareness of that immeasurable, spiritual bond between him and Murphy had begun to wan. One moment it burned brightly through his heart and soul, momentarily drawing him away from the reality surrounding him to wherever his brother was being kept, while other times he could barely feel it at all. As the days grew longer, he lost assurance the dimming bond would ever return. The hardest part of all he had come to realize, though, was just not knowing where Murphy was slipping to.

Turning an about-face, he looked once more at the clock to see two more minutes had passed. Alright, he thought to himself, If she doesn't call in another ten minutes, I'll call Smecker to go in after her. Though Connor would have personally preferred to be present on the sidelines and be able to charge in at anytime, he had been out-voted by both his co-conspirators into staying home. Despite Smecker's commentary that it could only take divine providence for the plan to work, he had agreed with Anna's assessment that Connor's presence armed or otherwise might endanger himself, her, and possibly Murphy. Connor believed that even if they didn't find his brother, he could still give Rossi a warning that he was coming for him and only a great fool would dare to touch another hair on his brother's head.

Now glancing at the phone, Connor had to clench his hands into fists to prevent himself from grabbing the receiver. Anna had promised she would call him as soon as she was earshot of anybody, or barring that, as soon as she made it to Smecker's car. Smecker had promised to keep in contact as well but seemed to have forgotten, leaving Connor deaf, dumb, and blind to whatever was going on. For all he knew, they could be dead or worse. I should be there, he thought, brushing his hand along the cross tattooed to his arm, God, please let them be alright. As though deciding it was time to answer His servant's prayers, the phone came to life with a buzzing ring. Lunging for the receiver, Connor pulled the wireless handset savagely up from its rest.

"Hello, Anna, hello?" he replied, the thought not entering his mind someone might be trying to call her.

"Yeah, it's me," her voice was soft even whispering directly into the receiver, "I just got here."

"Wha' do ya mean ye jus' got there?" Connor exclaimed, looking up at the clock to see if he had read it correctly. Indeed, four hours and fifteen minute had passed since he had last seen her.

"Doesn't matter," came the reply, "Let's just say we got a little lost."

Connor was almost certain he could detect a glimmer of humor in her voice.

"It seems the inability to ask for directions effects men all across the board," she explained, "Anyway, some woman answered the door. I think she..." there was a pause filled with the sound of moving china, "Is the girl of whoever owns this place. Let me in without question and directed me to the dining room. I guess the maid always comes on Thursday or something so it turned out to be great luck for us."

Connor closed his eyes, allowing a brief smile to grace his features. Luck indeed. That was twice today now the Almighty had given an answer to his prayers. He only hoped the answers would continue to be good.

"Anyway, Smecker gave me twenty minutes to look around," Anna explained, sounding as though she was moving, "And so far..."

There was the sound of a door opening and tentative steps on wood. A faint crackle sounded over the phone making Connor suspect she was heading for the basement. It was as good a place to start as any. A few more steps sounded, followed by three words he had never wanted to hear.

"Oh my God!"

A.N. MWHAHAAHAHAHAAA! I am evil, no? Sorry if this seems a little far-fetched but I figure a little intervention might be necessary for our poor boys. As always, please review!

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