Based on the TV Show "Strange Days at Blake Holsey High"

A.N. I'm glad everyone loved the last chapter. Hope this one is recieved just as well Oh, and any science in here, I made up pretty much..

Josie raced up the stairs towards her and Corine's room. Her only hope was that the other girl was slow in coming to "wake" her up. Of course, knowing Corrine, this hope wasfalsely founded. Still Josie swung open the door to their shared room, and stopped dead in her tracks.

"What are you doing here?" she exclaimed.

Standing beside the window, as though it were perfectly natural, was the janitor. He raised an eyebrow, giving Josie an almost unreadable look. If she had hazard to guess, she would of thought it was a look of amusement. However, the look was brief as the janitor settled back into his normal serious stance.

"I think you know why, Josie?" he said, his voice taking on that aggravating, cryptic tone.

Josie closed the door slightly. She really didn't want anyone to be privy to the conversation she knew was about to take place.

"Is it about Z?" she asked, hopeful, "Do you know where he is?"

The janitor's face remained passive as he replied, "I don't know who you mean, Josie."

Josie felt her stomach plummet. Then, a feeling of anger swept through her. She knew he was lying. He knew exactly where Z was. He knew everything that went on at the school.

Angrily she practically yelled, "Don't give me that bull-"

"He doesn't exist here, Josie," the Janitor replied before she could finish.


"He doesn't exist here," the Janitor repeated.

"What do you mean he doesn't exist here?" Josie replied.

The janitor shrugged, giving her a slight smirk.

" He has to exist here," Josie said, "I mean, aren't Vaughn and I in some alternate timeline?"

The janitor smiled.

"I can't give you the answers, Josie," he said, "Only you can do that."

"So why bother talking to me?" Josie challenged him.

The smile faded from the janitor's face.

"I only came to warn you," he finally said, and Josie could see something glimmering behind his eyes. If she didn't know any better, she would almost call it fear.

"Warn me about what?" she questioned, not sure she wanted to know the answer.

"There are forces at work, Josie, that you do not want to tangle with," the Janitor replied, walking past her, "Be careful in dealing with this situation."

With that, he opened the door and walked out. A millisecond later Corrine ran into the room, a startled look on her face.

"Josie," she exclaimed, "Bree said she sent you to find me. Why was the janitor in our room?"

It took a second for Josie to answer.

Shaking her head she said, "Come on, Corrine, there are a few things I need to know."

With that, she grabbed her friend's arm and dragged the girl out the door. She had an idea for what she had to do.

Okay, we're getting closer and closer to the conclusion. I may add another chapter later tonight or tomorrow. Hmm, I wonder what these new forces at work are? Well, you'll just have to wait to find out. Reviews appreciated!

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