Page Launched: 11/14/07          Page Updated: 01/04/10

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The fanfics found on this page are in order of most recently updated to oldest.  Readers have the option to leave a review on each page.  If you like what you read and you'd like to see updates, we recommend leaving a review on each page as they give inspiration and motivation to the writers!

Posted:      01/04/10      COMPLETE
Author:      Cheri
Title:          Harry's Cure for Boredom (Chapters: 1)
Rated:        PG-13
Genre:        Adventure, Comedy
Summary:  Harry is bored and decides to have a little fun tormenting his good friend, Peter. One Shot.

Posted:      01/04/10      COMPLETE
Author:      Cheri
Title:          The Cult of the Spider (Chapters: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7)
Rated:        PG-13
Genre:        Adventure, Romance
Summary:  Peter MJ. Takes place between the first and second movies. Peter comes up against a deadly cult who worship Spider-Man as a god and he finds himself fighting for MJ's life when she is targeted by them. FINISHED

Posted:      11/14/07      COMPLETE
Author:      Fragile-Strength
Title:          Compromise (Chapters: 1)
Rated:        PG
Genre:        Romance
Summary:  [MJxPETER]Mary Jane's thoughts on Peter and how they always seemed to be playing tag with their affections througout the first and second movies. “Are you Parker’s girl?” “Uh… I… guess so?” [POST 2ND MOVIE]